Monday, June 20, 2011


Warning:  If you think of yourself as a "Mature" individual with highly evolved, sophisticated tastes...move along, there's nothing for you to see here.  

Lucy and Harold adventures are for grown-ups who need to escape once in a while from the stresses of being responsible and always appropriate.  

No kids or fuddiduddies allowed.  You've been warned...

Friday, June 17, 2011

Welcome to Lucy and Harold's blog

Can you believe it?!  Here I was messing around on our girls computer and I found this great site!  We now have our own blog.  Who would've imagined?  For those of you who don't yet know us, Harold and I are ghosts.  Yes, you read it correctly, don't pee yourself.  There are things in this universe greater than your piddly understanding. If we've learned nothing else through death, we've learned that.  

You'll find our first 3 adventures in the tabs to your right.  For the rest, well, you'll have to buy the day hopefully before our author reaches her own Awakening.  We do hope you'll follow us on our wild ride through the afterlife.  We welcome comments and suggestions.

Lucy and Harold